As much as he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to watch and listen as well, delivering light pecks to her cheek and temple as they both focused on the sight of his hands on her body. Karl gave her what she wanted without question or teasing, strumming her clit with deft fingers while palming her breasts, giving each equal attention.

Y/N took hold of his unoccupied hand to lead it back to her chest, molding his fingers to one of her breasts, needy and desperate in a way he very much liked. One light slip of his fingers through the wet heat of her, teased from her clit to the well waiting to be filled again and back, drew her to further frustration. Y/N squirmed, pressing up against his palm, and he didn’t stop her, let her quietly writhe as she waited for him to begin again. He wanted her to watch him toy with her cunt, see his forearm flexing against her stomach as he worked her to mindless euphoria, and he licked his smirking lips as his hand covered her mound. Her head remained forward, eyes watching as his hand descended down her body so she could see what he was seeing, enjoy the same view. It was nice to see that she remained mindful of their shared work even when she was horny as hell, the glisten of arousal visible on the insides of her spread thighs. She shivered, thighs trembling as she lifted her legs to branch them apart, ankles coming to rest atop the edge of the sturdy workbench, and he nearly laughed when she nudged the papers she’d been working off to the side. Being a man of action made it clear to him straight away, now that she was within close proximity, what he needed to do to figure out if he was correct in assuming that she was more or less on the same page as him. No, he definitely wanted more than once or twice between her legs and he wanted more than that still, though how much exactly even he didn’t know. It might have been different had he merely wanted a casual fuck or two. Explaining his interest, even with as wordy as he liked to be, was not at all within his wheelhouse and far from something he could claim to be learned in.

A single kiss had been fine to start, but not enough now and given Y/N’s apparent lack of wanting to bring the subject up herself, Karl had concluded that he’d have to take the initiative to see how things might possibly progress between them. Fond was the closest word he felt he could use to describe how he regarded her, how he preferred to keep regarding her, and there was a desire for much more in that fondness. His want for her to remain frightened and obedient, a quiet companion he treated as a glorified servant, had died months ago. Hell, he actually found it rather charming and even a little arousing to boot, her little hints of no longer being terrified of him preferable to the fear she’d shown in the past. She glanced over her shoulder at him, grin cheekier than anyone who wasn’t a fellow lord had ever been brave enough to give him, and he was well beyond a point of being able to find that annoying.